The anaerobic digestion (AD) industry has called for a nationwide food waste segregation plan after a House of Commons representative revealed that the Parliament estate sends the majority of its food waste to anaerobic digestion.
A £6.5m project to replace long-serving chillers has achieved outstanding resilience and dramatic reductions in energy consumption and running costs.
A project developed by Bel Aire Park Elementary Shool aims at educating children on energy efficiency.
Demand for plug-in and electric vehicles (EVs) is rising, according to new data.
EVNSPC đã đạt được nhiều thành tích đáng khích lệ trong công cuộc tiết kiệm và sự dụng năng lượng hiệu quả.
Plans to develop a new £1 million energy storage facility in the UK have been unveiled.
The costs of developing marine energy projects to respect EU environmental policies are “disproportionate” compared to their size.
In the implementation of National Target Program on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy, over time, Can Tho City Power Company and other relevant departments of the city have been actively implementing the solutions for energy efficiency in the business community.
Theo ông Andrey Stankevich - đại diện Rosatom tại Việt Nam - không có trở ngại nào cho việc xây dựng một nhà máy điện hạt nhân theo phiên bản này ở Việt Nam.
Solar panel subsidies are being cut from this month, but experts say green devices can still slash bills and add to your home's value.
Russia has become the latest company to join hands with India to help the latter achieve its massive solar power targets.
More than 23.2 million solar panels are now installed in Australia – a module for every man, woman and child in the nation.
Heathrow Airport has announced a £2m plan to 'go electric' with the installation of more than 135 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in a bid to become Britain's most environmentally-responsible transport hub.
Argentinian artist Tomás Saraceno has created a pair of air-filled globes that he eventually plans to sail across the sky.
In wake of the April 25, 2015 earthquake in Nepal, SHoP has partnered with Kids of Kathmandu and Asia Friendship Network (AFN) to help rebuild 50 public schools in the hardest hit areas.
A third of London’s buses will run on fuel made from meat from next year, transport bosses have revealed.
The province is the first in the country to have a nuclear power plant (nuke power), Ninh Thuan province has developed specific action plans, in collaboration with the concerned departments and agencies to intensify the communication activities and dissemination of knowledge, so that the people dwelling in the project site could understand about the nuclear power project.
The cooperation between Vietnam and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been pushed up since 2000s. Through cooperative projects, IAEA made a significant contribution to the development of capacity and advancement of research, expansion and application of atomic energy of Vietnam.
Strategy for renewable energy development in Vietnam toward 2030 and vision to 2050, recently approved by the Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, with a series of mechanisms and policies of priorities, and breakthroughs, is expected to generate strong thrust into the development of this promising sector in Vietnam.
Ông Andrey Stankevich, Đại diện Tập đoàn Năng lượng Nguyên tử Rosatom cho biết tiến độ các bước đầu tiên trong việc xây Nhà máy ĐHN Ninh Thuận 1 phụ thuộc rất nhiều vào việc thẩm định và phê duyệt Báo cáo nghiên cứu khả thi (F/S) của nhà máy.