The achieved good results are attributed to the active communication efforts on power savings of Phu Yen Power Company with customers in the province in recent years.
Up to 8,000 zero-carbon homes are set to be built in the UK thanks to a £1.1bn deal between UK solar developers WElink Energy and British Solar Renewables and the China National Building Materials Group.
It's technically possible for each state to replace fossil fuel energy with entirely clean, renewable energy, experts say. In a new study, Mark Z. Jacobson, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford University, and colleagues, are the first to outline how each of the 50 states can achieve such a transition by 2050.
The latest annual Which? energy company satisfaction survey shows that the Big Six suppliers are continuing to provide a poor level of customer service, with smaller providers topping the table for a fifth year in a row.
Appliance efficiency in US has increased remarkably over the past several decades. Three of the essential products (clothes washers, central air conditioners, and refrigerators), show a 50% or greater reduction in energy use over that period, and the fourth product, gas furnaces, shows a smaller but still significant reduction of 18%.
An ambitious IMO project to establish a global network of Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres in developing countries is to go ahead thanks to a €10 million funding contribution from the EC.
Five new projects to develop low carbon and energy efficient technologies in the automotive industry have been granted funding worth £75 million.
An inception workshop on industrial boilers adoption to achieve energy conservation in Vietnam
David Cameron has continued to defend the government’s position on clean energy policy during today’s Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs), claiming Britain is leading a “renewables revolution”.
The Development Bank of Japan and Japan Wind Development Co. will create the nation’s first fund for wind power, the companies announced.The companies aim to introduce the 50 billion yen ($423 million) joint fund .
A team at Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a transparent film that could be applied to windows or clothing to store energy from sunlight, then later release it as heat.
The Seminar on "Current status, needs and orientation for management of database on economical and efficient use of energy in Building" has been organized by Science, Technology and Environment Department - MOC in the cooperation with United States Agency for International Development in Vietnam (Vietnam USAID) on January 7, 2016 in Hanoi.
The state-owned Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) plans to invest more than US$12.02 billion for the development of renewable energy in the next 15 years.
Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Set To Raise $260 Million Through Bonds Issue.
The UK and China are to work together to develop a joint energy storage laboratory.
The Article 33 of the Law on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy mandates the key energy users (enterprises, companies) to have energy audited every 3 years.
Chiều 11/1, EVN tổ chức cuộc họp với báo chí về tình hình triển khai thực hiện kế hoạch xả nước và cấp điện phục vụ sản xuất nông nghiệp vụ Đông Xuân.
While wind power generation is not a new concept, it is normally recognized by the need for a traditional windmill or wind turbine to be installed to harness the energy. However, a new type of generator has discovered a way to get energy from the wind without the need for a traditional machine.
An innovative new system being piloted by a startup in Canada could significantly cut the cost of compressed air energy storage by using simple, off-the-shelf technologies.
NASA’s aeronautics scientists have developed new green technologies that US commercial airlines can use to save more than US$250 billion.