The European Hydrogen Association (EHA) and the European Regions and Municipalities Partnership for hydrogen and fuel cells (HyRaMP) have called for accelerated support from the EU, national and local governments to ensure a sustainable build-up of hydrogen infrastructure in Europe. Both organizations stress the need to integrate hydrogen infrastructure development into the EU’s current energy and transport infrastructure plans.
Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam (EVN) dự báo, trong tháng 11, tình hình cung cấp điện vẫn chưa được cải thiện, do hệ thống điện quốc gia tiếp tục không có dự phòng và thiếu công suất đỉnh do các nhà máy nhiệt điện than mới vận hành chưa tin cậy, một số tổ máy nhiệt điện khác phải ngừng sửa chữa theo yêu cầu.
The Metropolitan building (235 Dong Khoi, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City), with the main function of an office for rent, was built in May 1996. Since 2004, seeing the importance of saving electricity in terms of economy as well as environment, the Directorate of the building has invested in renovating energy using equipment to save costs and meet development demand. With investment solutions, the annual power consumption of the building has been reduced by about 11.9%.
Making a cellphone battery last ten times longer is a first target for a large research project that IBM, Infineon and a number of European universities unveiled on Wednesday. The new research project, called Steeper, also aims to decrease the energy needs of other electronic devices like TV sets or supercomputers by 10 times when active, and to virtually eliminate power consumption when they are in standby mode.
A new clean tech company called Totempower Energy Systems Ltd. has come up with an easy way to put wind power within the grasp of everyday homeowners. The company is developing new micro-wind turbines that are designed for close quarters and non-disruptive installation, but the real key to getting more micro-wind turbines into consumers’ hands is the company’s “ease of ownership” plan which provides a soup-to-nuts service including site selection and connecting the turbine to the home electrical system.
MIT researchers are hopeful of capturing and releasing solar energy with the help of thermo-chemical technology. Scientists were already working on this technology in seventies but this project was aborted due to its expensiveness and termed as too impractical to achieve. But MIT researchers are now gearing up to take this thermo-chemical technology that is supposed to convert solar energy into electrical energy.
The People’s Committee of Ninh Thuan Province recently presented a master plan for socioeconomic development to 2020 with a vision towards 2030, with an ambition to turn Ninh Thuan into an energy center of the whole country and to list its name among the 20 rich provinces of Vietnam.
The Coca-Cola company has been introducing more electric vehicles and other low-emissions trucks into its massive fleet, and now researchers at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University are developing yet another alternative energy option. The team has been working on a solar powered air conditioning system that would significantly reduce or eliminate beverage delivery truck emissions related to cooling.
Only to the visually-impaired it may look like fuel cells and electric cars don’t enjoy success nowadays. Daimler AG has just started a pilot program of leasing Mercedes-Benz hydrogen fuel cell cars to 5 to 15 users in the US, to see how their car acts in real life conditions and how people receive them. To me this looks like a postpone of the real thing, just like GM did to EV1.
Works such as leveling an area of 251ha, building bypass road south of Hau river, compensating and site clearing, resettling 315 households… have been completed. The constructions of roads, electricity system, water supply system, embankments along Hau river in the plant construction site and coal slag dumping area ... are being expeditiously implemented to be completed on schedule.
Tổng thống Nga Dmitry Medvedev đã đến Hà Nội hôm 30/10 để tham dự Hội nghị cấp cao Đông Á 17. “Trong số các thỏa thuận quan trọng nhất được ký kết giữa hai bên có một thỏa thuận liên chính phủ về việc hợp tác xây dựng một nhà máy điện hạt nhân ở Việt Nam”, ông Sergei Prikhodko phát biểu trước thềm chuyến bay sang Việt Nam của Tổng thống Medvedev.
It is not that unusual for offshore oil to develop offshore wind technology. The two share some of the same technical and engineering issues. Stat-Oil in Norway is also investing in offshore wind development, because many of the engineering solutions found to develop offshore oil, are also applicable to the development of offshore wind, like building platforms in deep sea.
Trước những diễn biến phức tạp của tình hình thời tiết và tiến độ triển khai đầu tư xây dựng nhiều dự án điện chậm so với kế hoạch khiến hệ thống điện quốc gia phải vận hành trong điều kiện không có điện dự phòng.
The project is following up on a pre-feasibility study conducted by the Clinton Climate Initiative. Fluor’s task is to develop a conceptual master plan to be unveiled at the South African Solar Park Investors Conference (Oct. 28 and 29), which will be held in the Northern Cape Province.
Results from EECA's energy audit programme show that on average, companies can shave 20% off their energy use and costs - 10% at little or no cost and a further 10% with a simple payback of less than five years. Typically, for every dollar invested in an energy audit, $7.50 of energy savings are identified.
First announced in 2006, the facility represents an investment commitment of $1 billion and opens up extensive new opportunities for economic development in Vietnam. The facility is the largest assembly and test factory in Intel’s global manufacturing network, with a total area of 46,000 square meters, equal to the size of 5 ½ football fields. Production commenced in the middle of this year, starting with production of chipsets for laptops and mobile devices for Intel customers worldwide.
With the second largest tidal range in the world, about 50 feet, the Severn estuary has been eyed for years as a potential energy source, particularly as the appetite for sustainable energy sources has been growing over the last few years. The U.K. has pledged to have 40 percent of its electricity generated from renewable sources by 2020 to meet European Union requirements.
At three feet (11 meters) tall, the SunCatcher is almost four times bigger than the world’s largest biological flower, the Sumatran titan arum. It has parabolic petals that appear virtually flat, like those of a buttercup. The device is made up of 40 mirrors, tightly arranged into a 3,400-square-foot (315-square-meter) dish that, like a real flower, angles toward the sun.
Với quy mô thủy triều lớn thứ hai trên thế giới, khoảng 50 feet, cửa sông Severn nhiều năm được xem là như là một nguồn năng lượng tiềm năng, đặc biệt rất giàu các nguồn năng lượng tái tạo. Anh đã cam kết vào năm 2020 40% điện năng sẽ được tạo ra từ các nguồn tái tạo để đáp ứng yêu cầu của Liên minh châu Âu.
The ‘Global Wind Energy Outlook 2010’ (GWEO 2010) finds that wind power could play a key role in satisfying the world’s increasing power demand, while at the same time achieving major greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The 1,000 GW of wind power capacity projected to be installed by 2020 would save as much as 1.5 billion tonnes of CO2 every year.