The Dong Giao Foodstuff Export Joint Stock Company (DOVECO) in Tam Diep Town, Ninh Binh Province was established in 1955 and operates under the Vietnam National Vegetable, Fruit and Agricultural Product Corporation, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. With four modern production lines, the company is capable to make 25,000 tonnes of products each year. DOVECO is a leading provider of processed agricultural products in Vietnam. It is also the first company to bring Vietnamese fruit and vegetables to the world market.
Italy, the country with the world’s first highway ever built (in 1926), is now preparing the addition of another motorway segment between Catania and Siracusa (the A18). But this is not just another motorway: it is the first fully solar-powered in the world, with 20 hectares-worth of solar panels.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is extending up to $200 million to facilitate private sector participation in natural gas distribution infrastructure in the People's Republic of China (PRC). According to ADB, the project will support the Government of the PRC's push to reduce coal consumption and increase the use of natural gas, a cleaner fuel that is better for the environment and in large supply in the PRC.
Ngày 15-11, ông Nguyễn Tiến Hải, Giám đốc Ban Quản lý dự án Các công trình Điện miền Nam (trực thuộc EVN), cho biết đơn vị vừa tổ chức đóng điện thành công Trạm biến áp 500kV Đắk Nông và đường dây 220kV Nhà máy Thủy điện (NMTĐ) Đồng Nai 3.
Cars and trucks race down the highway, turn off into town, wait at traffic lights and move slowly through side streets. Electricity flows in a similar way -- from the power plant via high voltage lines to transformer substations. The flow is controlled as if by traffic lights. Cables then take the electricity into the city centre. Numerous switching points reduce the voltage, so that equipment can tap into the electricity at low voltage. Thanks to this highly complex infrastructure, the electricity customer can use all kinds of electrical devices just by switching them on.
"You can save 10 to 20 percent of your energy costs just by paying attention to when and how you use energy in your home," said a member of Middleboro's Green Energy Committee. "Then you can save even more by improving the windows and insulation. On top of all that, use renewables like solar or wind to generate your own electricity.
People living in warm climates have been used to using biogas since ages, with even the Assyrians using it to heat their baths 3,000 years ago. But in the colder regions such as Alaska, biogas is harder to produce, since temperatures do not allow for bacteria to ferment the organic waste. However, this problem is about to fade now, as a new type of bacteria has been discovered, and it promises to cut the reliance on fossil fuels for these people big time.
The City of Toronto brought into the spotlight the latest addition to its green fleet of waste and recycling collecting service. The new garbage truck can run on converted biogas obtained from the picked up organic material waste. The new model reveals the city’s determined step toward reduction of fuel consumption, protection of air quality and health.
Tập đoàn năng lượng Chevron hàng đầu của Mỹ vừa thông báo sẽ mua lại công ty khí đốt Atlas Energy với giá 4,3 tỷ USD, nhằm mở rộng hoạt động của hãng trong lĩnh vực khai thác khí từ sét phiến. Chevron sẽ trả 3,2 tỷ USD tiền mặt cho Atlas Energy và sẽ gánh vác khoản nợ trị giá 1,1 tỷ USD của công ty khí đốt này.
Ngày 9/11, ông Đinh Quang Tri, Phó Tổng Giám đốc Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam (EVN) và Bà Martha Stein-Sochas, Vụ trưởng Vụ châu Á của Cơ quan Phát triển Pháp, đã tiến hành ký kết 1 thỏa ước tài trợ trị giá 100 triệu USD, góp phần tài trợ dự án nhà máy thủy điện Huội Quảng, với sự chứng kiến của Ngài Jean-François Girault, Đại sứ Pháp tại Việt Nam. Dự án này nằm trong khuôn khổ những hoạt động hợp tác giữa Pháp và Việt Na
According to the project of “Promoting Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium Enterprises” implemented by the Ministry of Science and Technology under supervision of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and assistance of the Global Environment Fund (GEF), the Dong Thap Province Center for Industry Promotion and Development Consultancy has carried out an energy audit program at the Ba Tang Ice Company (in Long Thanh Hamlet, Phu Thanh A Commune, Tam Nong District, Dong Thap Province).
To meet customer needs and keep pace with the development of tourism and services, Dong Xuyen hotel has been constantly upgrading, improving and renovating facilities, and enhancing service style. Along with that development, the demand for electricity of the hotel is also increasing. Monthly average power consumption of the hotel is about 75 thousand kWh of electricity.
Now that would be a brutal blow for any industry battered by a vicious recession. But it's particularly bad news for the American wind industry, which had defied the downturn by installing a record 10,000 megawatts of new capacity in 2009. New wind capacity had grown an average 39 percent annually over the previous five years and represented 39 percent of all new electrical generation that came online last year.
On November 1st, in Hanoi, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development organized a workshop to prepare the development program for biogas. This is the “Quality and Safety Enhancement of Agricultural Products and Biogas Development Project” (QSEAP, VIE 39421), which was signed between the Government of Vietnam and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Hanoi in June 2009.
According to statistics, every year, the country has to import 6 million tons of petroleum, 40% of which is for transportation industry. The annual costs of importing petroleum and producing electricity have accounted for one fifth of total GDP of the country and has now “consumed” all GDP of the agricultural sector. The objects which consume much energy are the Industry (consumes 47%), transportation (20%) and households (15%) ...
According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the contests have attracted more than 100 buildings, 77 among which meet demands of organization board. Thirty three buildings of those have given domestic prizes and five won the prizes at ASEAN level. In the past, most of buildings were in the south. This year, many of buildings including schools and hospitals are located in the north.
A group of us from the NRDC teams in Beijing, San Francisco, and D.C. just visited Shanghai, China to discuss opportunities to collaborate on helping turn an old iron and steel alloy plant into a new "clean energy development zone." The site is one of 12 old industrial sites that China is planning to turn into clean energy development zones. NRDC's China Program will be working with this project to make it as energy-efficient as possible.
A new institute is being launched to help Idaho residents and businesses conserve power and save money. The Institute will evaluate energy-saving technologies to see which ones work best. The program will be run by the Idaho Falls' Center of Advanced Energy Studies, and Otter says it will play an important role in Idaho's energy future.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is optimistic that Asia can get the 10 trillion US dollars it needs to finance sustainable energy projects over the next 20 years. The projects will include more efficient use of coal and oil as well as greater reliance on renewable power sources such as wind and solar energy.
General Electric has created new halogen compact fluorescent light bulbs, GE Reveal and GE Energy Smart Soft, that unlike typical fluorescents (CFLs), contain less mercury (only 1 milligram) and don’t take time to warm up, being more efficient.