Powered by the world’s most advanced permanent-magnet motor, the light rail locomotive uses hydrogen as the energy source for the fuel cells powering the synchronous motor and frequency converter, units which have been independently developed by the China North Vehicle Yongji Electric Motor Corporation.
Theo đó, mức giá khởi điểm của Nissan Leaf EV là 3.764.250 Yên (tương đương 45.000 USD) bao gồm thuế. Tuy nhiên, do có nhiều chính sách ưu đãi hấp dẫn đối với dòng xe chạy điện của chính phủ Nhật đưa ra, nên Nissan Leaf EV sẽ được hỗ trợ 780.000 Yên, và như vậy chiếc xe chỉ có giá 2.984.250 Yên, tương đương 35.677 USD.
In the past five years, Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group has invested in 59 projects, including 56 petroleum projects (38 domestic projects and 18 projects in foreign countries). Particularly, the excavation of oil and gas has been implemented effectively at 15 domestic and foreign oil fields, and the mining output has reached 117.41 million tons. The Group has also implemented the work of development at 16 domestic and foreign mines.
Theo Tổng Công ty Điện lực TP. Hồ Chí Minh (EVN HCMC), 5 năm qua, Tổng công ty đã triển khai sâu rộng công tác sử dụng điện tiết kiệm và hiệu quả, 100% gia đình công nhân viên chức của EVN HCMC đã cam kết sử dụng điện tiết kiệm 10%. Hội Liên hợp phụ nữ TP. HCM đã vận động được 100.000 hộ gia đình của Thành phố đã cam kết tiết kiệm điện.
The reason for this situation is that investors do not pay attention to energy conservation methods and their advantages to the socio-economic development. According to the architect Nguyen Tan Van, the chairman of the Vietnam Architect Association, we are not clearly aware of “green architecture” benefits. Therefore, when building, investors do not take advantages of natural conditions and the ancestors’ experiences in the field of construction in tropical region. We need to create a friendlier architecture.
As countries such as China, the United States and Germany plow billions of tax dollars into renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power, Canadian energy companies say the federal government urgently needs to develop a national strategy to grab a piece of the global clean-energy market, which attracted $162 billion US in investment last year.
The creative juices of designers are now flowing into mice and keyboards that are becoming sleeker, smaller and more power-efficient. Microsoft and Logitech have blended eco-friendly technology and space-saving designs in their new mouse and keyboard products.
After successes of peanut sowing machine and rubber latex harvesting machine, Le Thanh Binh always wants to have more inventions to contribute to the country’s development. Recently, he successfully produced a sea wave power electricity generator. This machine took part in the Vietnam Exhibition on Technologies and Equipment 2010 held in Quang Ninh Province.
On the morning of November 25th, as part of the 2nd Exhibition of Energy efficiency product of and renewable energy in Ho Chi Minh city, Ho Chi Minh City Energy Efficiency Center, in collaboration with the project Promoting energy conservation in small and medium enterprises (PECSME), held the Conference reviewing the execution of the project Promoting energy conservationin small and medium enterprises in the 2006-2010 period, in Southern region.
CMU aims to save more than $600,000 over the next two years by reopening a gas turbine at the Central Energy Facility. The gas turbine was installed in 1991, but was shut down in 2002 because it was not economically efficient, said Steve Lawrence, associate vice president of Facilities
Phó Thủ tướng Hoàng Trung Hải vừa đồng ý cho Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam (EVN) chính thức khởi công xây dựng công trình thủy điện Lai Châu (vốn đầu tư sơ bộ khoảng 32.000 tỷ đồng) vào cuối tháng 12/2010.
Nhu cầu sử dụng điện tại VN là rất lớn kể cả trong ngắn hạn, trung hạn và dài hạn. Theo tính toán của EVN, để đáp ứng nhu cầu phát triển kinh tế với tốc độ tăng trưởng từ 7,5 - 8% và thực hiện được mục tiêu đến năm 2020 VN cơ bản trở thành một nước công nghiệp thì trong 20 năm tới nhu cầu điện sẽ phải tăng từ 15 - 17% mỗi năm. Do đó, phương án đầu tư vào nguồn năng lượng tái tạo như gió và mặt trời tỏ ra có hiệu quả đối với một quốc gia có nhiều điều kiện thuận lợi về địa lý như VN.
This thought constantly runs through the mind of Casey Lauer, director of energy and environment at K-State. It is a topic that is becoming debated more and more, and Lauer is one of many people on campus trying to figure out how the university can save money through decreased energy use. In Forum Hall in the K-State Student Union on Monday, Lauer and others spoke on the topic of energy consevation.
On November 12, the Specialized Science and Technology Council of Soc Trang Province held a meeting to assess the draft of a project aiming to build an improved model of biogas plants to generate power for use by livestock breeding farms in Chau Thanh District. This project is presided over by the Soc Trang Center for Science and Technology Application and headed by engineer Duong Hoang Van, the deputy director of the center’s Technical Department.
Cục Điều tiết Điện lực (Bộ Công Thương) đang xây dựng phương án tăng giá điện năm 2011. Sẽ có nhiều kịch bản khác nhau nhưng về cơ bản, căn cứ để Cục đề xuất tăng là giá than tăng cộng với các yếu tố đầu vào khác. EVN khẳng định sẽ cùng Bộ Công Thương và các ban ngành liên quan tính toán cân đối để tránh những cú sốc về giá, nhưng đơn vị này cũng nhấn mạnh rằng đã đến lúc giải quyết việc lùi tăng giá điện nhiều năm qua.
The year of 2010 is considered an important year in the development of Petro Vietnam in particular and of the entire petroleum industry in general.Besides ensuring the completion of the production plan of the year, the Company is also facing challenges in implementing targets in the final year of the five year plan 2006-2010 with volatile external conditions.
According to information from the British Embassy, from November 22th to 26th, a trade mission of the Energy Industries Corporation of the UK (EIC) will come to Vietnam to explore investment opportunities in the oil industry. In HCM city, representatives of companies will have meeting with PetroVietnam and companies which were already established and operating in Vietnam market such as Chevron, Conoco Phillips, JVPC and Worley Parsons. The delegation will also visit and work with companies operating in the field of oil and gas in Vung Tau.
Thanks to a $3 million federal stimulus grant given to the Utah Energy Program, solar panels will be installed in every school district in the state, at 73 Utah schools in all. Students will be able to track online how many kilowatt hours of energy their solar photovoltaic arrays generate, and teachers at the schools will receive training to teach students about solar, wind and geothermal technologies.
Prime Minister affirmed: “Vietnam highly appreciates potential and technologies of South Korean businesses and calls upon South Korean businesses to continue expanding investment in Vietnam, especially in the fields of economic - social infrastructure development, new energy and material production, high technology product manufacturing, support industry, human resource and health development, and agriculture, forestry and fishery development.”
Since the plants were put into operation, the total output has been 18 billion kWh and the total revenue has been nearly VND22,000 billion. In 2010, Ca Mau 1 and Ca Mau 2 power plants - Ca Mau Petrovietnam Power Company - plans to produce 7.6 billion kWh, and up to November 10th, the total output has exceeded 4% of the plan, accounting for 13% of electricity output of the whole country, the revenue has reached VND10,512 billion.