On December 15th, in Hanoi, the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) held a ceremony reviewing the energy efficiency program in the 2006-2010 period and the implementation of Directive No. 19/2005/CT-TTg on energy conservation in production and consumption . After 5 years of nationwide deployment, with the coordination between the MOIT and the People's Committees of provinces and cities under the Central Government, the program has obtained encouraging achievements.
The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, December 6, 2010 that a “framework agreement” has been signed between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The agreement will allow French state-owned Areva, to sell nuclear reactors to India’s Maharashtra state complete with nuclear fuel for 25 years.
Theo thông tin từ tờ Wall Street Journal ngày 6 tháng 12, Tổng thống Pháp Nicolas Sarkozy và Thủ tướng Ấn Độ Manmohan Singh đã kí kết thỏa thuận khung, cho phép Areva – doanh nghiệp nhà nước Pháp bán các lò phản ứng hạt nhân cho bang Maharashtra của Ấn Độ, nhằm hoàn thành mục tiêu năng lượng hạt nhân trong 25 năm.
The Community Wind Information Service will provide analysis for groups or individuals looking into the possibility of installing wind turbines at farms, industrial facilities, landfills, schools, water plants or other community sites.
The Tesla Roadster uses a battery called “18650,” originally designed for laptop computers. The car doesn’t use 10, or a hundred, but 6,831 of them, enough to dispatch a 56 kWh power onto the Roadster’s electric motors and wheels. This power is enough to take you from 0 to 60 mph in about 3.5 seconds (depending on the car’s version).
Statistics from the Ethiopian Ministry of Mines and Energy (MoME) indicate that the country spends about Ethiopian Birr 10 billion (US$800 million) annually to import petroleum products for domestic consumption. The figure, according to the MoME represents more than 90 percent of Ethiopia’s earnings from foreign trade each year. Were the country to tap some of its renewable energy potential, the energy independence it would achieve as a result, would be a boon to the economy.
Tiết kiệm điện năng đòi hỏi một qui trình chặt chẽ từ sản xuất, truyền dẫn đến tiêu thụ. Theo ông Đặng Hoàng An – Phó Tổng Giám đốc Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam (EVN), đến cuối 2008, EVN đã giảm tổn thất điện năng xuống dưới 2 con số (còn 9,24%). Để đạt được lộ trình giảm tổn thất điện năng liên tục nhiều năm cần nhiều biện pháp, trong đó có việc quản lý kỹ thuật, quản lý kinh doanh, cải tạo lưới điện… EVN phấn đấu đến năm 2012 giảm tổn thất điện năng xuống còn 8%. Đây là chương trình rất cam go, đặc biệt trong điều kiện đầu tư, cải tạo mạng lưới, phát triển nguồn, phát triển lưới đồng bộ cùng với tốc độ tăng trưởng phụ tải rất cao.
Since unit 1 went into operation in October 2008, A Vuong hydropower plant (with the capacity of 210 MW) has produced nearly 1.8 billion kWh, equivalent to the revenue of about VND 1,150 billion. According to Mr Nguyen Tram, General Director of A Vuong Hydropower JSC, thanks to the advantage of using high water columns, the mobilization of the capacity of A Vuong hydropower plant and the generation of power based on the height of water columns will be very effective.
To serve the needs of development, production, trade and consumption, in the next 5 years, Hanoi will have to invest about VND 19,500 billion to upgrade and renovate the grid system. That is the content of the scheme “Electricity development planning of Hanoi in 2011 – 2015 period, regarding 2020" which has recently been approved by the City People’s Council.
The Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVN HCMC) said that in the past five years, they launched many campaigns to promote efficient use of electricity. As a result, the families of all EVN HCMC staff members have been committed to saving 10 percent of power consumption at home. In response to the appeal of the Ho Chi Minh City Women’s Union, 100,000 households have been committed to saving power.
Some developed countries such as Japan consume only 350-400kWh of electricity to make every tonne of steel billets whereas Vietnam consumes as much as 700kWh of electricity to do that. So if it does not take actions to reduce energy consumption in order to lower the production cost, the Vietnamese steel sector can hardly withstand market competition.
It is nearly one years Phan Xuan Tai family in Tan Lap Village, Cam Thanh Bac Commune, Cam Lam District, Khanh Hoa Province have not been worried about electricity and fuel costs for daily life and raising 120 pigs because they have been using biogas for every daily activities. If there were not the project on biogas sponsored by the Dutch Government, they would have to pay at least VND200,000 for electricity and fuel costs.
A day after Energy Secretary Steven Chu's "Sputnik speech," in which he warned that China was investing billions in renewable energy while American politicians bickered over small-potatoes stimulus spending on green technology, a report from Ernst & Young released Tuesday confirmed Asia's ascendancy.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) said a fund it established to develop large capacity solar projects will increase the renewable energy resource to 3GW by mid-2013 in the Asia and Pacific region. Haruhiko Kuroda, president of ADB, said governments in Asia and the Pacific should invest in solar energy to help ensure their growth is environmentally sustainable.
Theo Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam (EVN), Thủy điện Lai Châu - công trình thủy điện lớn thứ ba cả nước (sau Thủy điện Sơn La và Hòa Bình) sẽ được khởi công vào ngày 22-12 tới.
While in general terms wind energy does not represent a threat to wildlife, poorly sited or designed wind farms can have a negative impact on vulnerable species and habitats That's why the European Commission has published today guidelines for wind energy development in protected natural areas. The guidelines apply to the Natura 2000 network, a cornerstone of EU biodiversity policy and a key tool to achieve the EU target of halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2020.
On the second day of his two-day state visit to Malaysia, President Lee Myung-bak held a one-on-one meeting with his Malaysian counterpart Najib Razak, on Friday.
During the summit the two leaders reviewed and reflected on the 50 years of diplomatic ties and discussed measures to promote cooperation in a wide range of sectors including green technology, nuclear power generation and the joint exploration of markets in third countries.
Việc các nhà sản xuất ôtô đang nhanh chóng chuyển sang chế tạo các loại xe điện (EV), hybrid và PHEV cũng như sức hút ngày càng tăng của các dòng xe này cuối cùng cũng khiến cho Vatican chú ý
Turkish Energy Minister, Taner Yildiz, welcomed the recent progress in Turkey’s first nuclear power plant project that will be built by Russia and underscored Ankara’s determination to develop nuclear energy through foreign partnerships. Yildiz told reporters that Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, signed the inter-governmental agreement, which was recently ratified by both houses of the Russian parliament.
Industry experts have warned that the long term trend for energy prices looks set to rise by as much as 10 per cent over coming years. With increasing energy costs, all farm businesses continually need to assess energy use and identify energy saving opportunities, many often will require little or no need for capital spend.