The Japanese government is poised to increase the incentives available to a wide range of clean energy technologies through a revamp of the country's feed-in tariff scheme, which should come into effect from next year. According to Reuters' reports, a government advisory panel today approved a set of proposals that will significantly extend the current solar incentives regime to cover other forms of energy, including wind, small-size hydro, biomass and geothermal energy.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the most technologically advanced and oil rich countries in the Middle East; however, oil is not enough to meet the country’s expected energy demand in coming decades. In preparation, the UAE is following suit with neighboring Saudi Arabia and pursuing a nuclear power program of their own, with Australia as yellow cake uranium supplier of choice.
Only the very poorest countries would be eligible to receive funds for building new coal-fired power stations under proposed new rules. The World Bank is planning to restrict the money it gives to coal -fired power stations, bowing to pressure from green campaigners to radically revise its funding rules.
Với sự hỗ trợ của hãng sản xuất lò phản ứng Areva, hãng sản xuất năng lượng hạt nhân EDF và cơ quan nguyên tử Pháp CE, hãng sản xuất tàu ngầm DCNS nằm dưới sự quản lí của nhà nước sẽ tiến hành nghiên cứu tính khả thi trong vòng 2 năm, nhằm xác định khả năng gây ô nhiễm và tính an toàn.
Finland is one of the leading countries in the world in the field of clean technologies, especially industrial sewage treating technology and renewable energy development technology. Not only that, the country is also well known for its sustainable development of urban and rural areas as well as its comprehensive solutions to conserve and assess the environment’s condition, control air pollution and protect water sources.
On April 9th, in Hanoi, Vietnam Biogas Association was officially founded. The establishment– technical activity, contributing to the development of livestock husbandry, reducing gas emissions, improving the efficiency of current and future biogas projects, raising income for households and businesses as well as protecting the environment.
In a move, which is set to face severe opposition from motorists, the EU is planning to ban petrol and diesel powered cars from European cities by 2050. The decision is seen as an attempt by the 27-nation bloc to force people to adopt ‘green’ cars and reduce their dependence on oil. The plan will also help in protecting the environment.
In Paris they met Eric Besson, France's minister of industry and energy, and took part in a round-table discussion with both countries' energy and industrial leaders aimed at exchanging experience and developing partnerships. One result was the creation of a high level group jointly chaired by GDF-Suez CEO Gérard Mestrallet and Guillermo Luksic of the wide-ranging Quiñenco conglomerate.
America is yearning for leadership, and energy policy is another area where it is lacking. Democrats argue we must do more to promote and develop alternative fuels. Republicans counter that there is no alternative to oil and gas in the short term and that we need to increase our domestic output to secure our energy supply.
Bộ Công Thương khẳng định: Trước hết các địa phương phải sử dụng điện tiết kiệm, hiệu quả, EVN sẽ phải cố gắng đảm bảo đủ điện cho sản xuất và kinh doanh; sẽ chỉ tiết giảm vào giờ cao điểm. Bộ cũng sẽ ban hành hướng dẫn về tiết kiệm điện ngay trong quý 2 này.
The annual survey of cell manufacturers published in the March 2011 issue of PHOTON International shows that the PV industry increased global cell production to 27.2 gigawatts (GW) in 2010, which is as much as the output of the previous 4 years combined. This incredibly large volume means an increase of 118-percent over the 12.5 GW produced in 2009 - the highest annual growth rate since PHOTON International started tracking cell production in 1999.
Senator Joe Lieberman called for a temporary halt on the building of nuclear plants in the U.S., and many news organizations have reported that it could cause a major setback for U.S. nuclear policy. Last year, the Department of Energy announced $8.3 billion in loan guarantees for the construction of two nuclear plants in Georgia. The plants are part of a major push by President Obama and Energy Secretary Steven Chu to support nuclear power in the United States.
Australia’s national science agency is collaborating with leading universities on an 8.3-million Australian dollar ($8.17 million) research collaboration to use enzymes to produce biofuels from waste plant feed stocks. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization’s Energy Transformed Cluster on Biofuels seeks viable ways to transform waste plant materials into a sustainable low-emission fuel for cars, trucks and even planes.
IDTechEx recently visited GS Caltex in Seoul, Korea, who have developed a solid state lithium thin film battery. The company is a joint venture between GS, Korea and Chevron, USA, and its core business is oil refinery where they are number two in Korea. The company also works on renewable energy including fuel cells, biofuels, materials for supercapacitors and thin film batteries.
GS Caltex vừa phát triển được một loại pin Li cứng, dạng màng mỏng. Công ty này được thành lập trên cơ sở đầu tư của hãng GS (Hàn Quốc) và Chevron (Mỹ) với lĩnh vực kinh doanh chính là lọc dầu. Bên cạnh đó, công ty cũng hoạt động trong lĩnh vực năng lượng tái tạo như sản xuất pin nhiên liệu, nhiên liệu sinh học, các vật liệu dùng cho tụ điện cao cấp và pin dạng màng mỏng.
Under the RCUK programme, Nanoscience through Engineering to Application, the EPSRC and the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) are investing in four industry-led collaborative research and development projects that will address challenges in building the supply chain and scaling up technologies.
Restoring power and government reconstruction spending are crucial to Japan's economy resuming growth, the IMF said Thursday, after Tokyo put the damage of the March 11 earthquake at $309 billion. International Monetary Fund officials said they expected a short-term slowdown, but growth would "rebound" to pre-quake levels and more.
American consumers don’t want things forced on them by the government, but they are slowly starting to become aware of energy issues via the rising cost of energy and the geo-political climate, said Crane. “Everyone in this room has a vested interest in electric vehicles becoming successful,” said Crane to the room largely made up by investors, and the future is “all about electric vehicles.”
Scientists are reporting development of an advanced lithium-ion battery that is ideal for powering the electric vehicles now making their way into dealer showrooms. The new battery can store large amounts of energy in a small space and has a high rate capacity, meaning it can provide current even in extreme temperatures.
Implementing the Power VI plan approved by the Government, the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) is striving to accelerate the construction and complete the whole Son La hydropower project (capacity of 2,400 MW) at the end of 2012. In the short term, in 2011, EVN has planned to power on unit 2 on Apr 30th; unit 3 on Aug 31st and unit 4 on Dec 31st.