Cuban and Vietnamese experts are working together to install new-type biogas producing tanks made from Polyester, which is expected to help local farmers in Cuba get an alternative source of electric power for daily life and production.
Phu Quoc Island District in the southern province of Kien Giang will receive more than VND9.16 trillion (US$436.2 million) to implement three power supply projects, said the Phu Quoc Investment and Development Management Board.
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the business community should be encouraged to participate in the development of green growth. Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Tran Hong Ha emphasized this at the closing of the ASEM forum on green growth in Hanoi on October 4.
Nuclear energy is for not only developed countries but also developing countries like Vietnam which can implement and apply nuclear energy in its economic development, said IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano.
In the first seven months of 2011, Dong Nai has saved 56 million kWh of electricity, 64% of the plan of the whole year which is 82 million kWh. In addition to the efforts of Dong Nai Power Co., Ltd, the enthusiastic response, sympathy and sharing of all parts of the society also have to be mentioned.
As forecasted by EVN, under the basic plan, load demand in the last six months of the year will reach 56.949 billion kWh, 8.23% higher than the same period of 2010. Water flow of hydropower reservoirs in the last four months of the year shall reach the frequency of 65%; hydropower reservoirs shall reach the normal water levels at the end of the year.
Từ nay đến hết năm 2011, lượng điện cho sản xuất và phát triển kinh tế vẫn sẽ được đảm bảo.
Ukraine lâu nay chủ yếu phụ thuộc vào nguồn khí đốt nhập khẩu từ Nga. Kiev đang muốn tăng sản lượng khai thác trong nước và tìm kiếm các nguồn năng lượng thay thế.
HCM City Power Corporation (EVN HCMC) organized a conference reviewing the “Power saving family 2011” movement. 24 typical households received certificates of merit of the City People's Committee for their effective participation in the program.
NASA's solar-powered Juno spacecraft lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station this month to begin a five-year journey to Jupiter. Juno's detailed study of the largest planet in our solar system will help reveal Jupiter's origin and evolution.
Enel Green Power North America announces the development of the world's first solar geothermal hybrid power plant in Nevada (USA)
Hãng Enel Green Power Bắc Mỹ công bố đã công bố công trình nhà máy địa nhiệt mặt trời đầu tiên trên thế giới tại hạt Churchill, phía Bắc Nevada (Mỹ).
Santa Barbara’s Solar3D Inc. announced that it’s completed the design and is on track to complete a prototype of a “super-efficient” 3-D solar cell by the end of 2011. Holding out the promise of substantially increasing solar cell conversion efficiencies, the company believes its 3-D solar cell design “will dramatically change the economics of solar energy.”
As these economies were already being forced to cut back radically on clean energy funding before the current downturn, it is hard to see how they could do anything but cut back their clean energy investment even further. This could mean some schemes already under way are scrapped and others in the pipeline never leaving the drawing board.
Costs of manufacture of batteries and power trains of electric vehicles can be halved by 2018, if the gaps in the innovation chain can be closed. For reaching this objective, KIT scientists develop concrete, close-to-industry solutions for energy stores and power trains and combine them on the system level.
Đặc biêt chú trọng giảm tổn thất điện năng khu vực lưới điện hạ áp nông thôn mới tiếp nhận từ trên 17% xuống dưới 12% vào cuối năm 2011 và xuống dưới 8% vào cuối năm 2015. Phấn đấu tỉ lệ TTĐN của EVNCPC năm 2011 ≤ 7,30 %
Quy định chỉ được phép cho vay tối đa 15% vốn tự có đối với mỗi doanh nghiệp và sử dụng tỷ lệ vốn ngắn hạn cho vay dài hạn tối đa 30% đã làm ảnh hưởng đến việc huy động nguồn vốn của các ngân hàng thương mại cho các dự án năng lượng
With support from the National Program on Energy Efficiency and Conservation and the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT), Viettronics Thuduc Limited Company (VTD), member unit of Vietnam Electronics and Informatics Corporation (VEIC), has developed and put into trial operation the first high-tech LED producing facility in Vietnam in Saigon hi-tech park.
During the dry season, to help power sector reduce power consumption during peak hours, some oil-powered generators have been used, especially during peak hours, to reduce the time of using the national grid. Specifically, 65% of devices have been separated from the grid and powered by generators.
That Sai Gon Passenger Transport Co., Ltd is allowed to borrow the State with the interest rate of 0% and exempted from the tax of importing 50 CNG buses has laid the foundation for the development of green buses in Vietnam.