Thailand government has taken a step to reuse the rotten rice founded under the inspection by millitary cops under rice pledging scheme to avoid the cost loss due to the Rice Pledging Scheme, started by the previous Thailand government.
The Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVN HCMC) and the Ho Chi Minh City Export Processing and Industrial Zones Authority (HEPZA) organized a conference on improving energy efficiency for large enterprises in order to help them implement energy-saving solutions, save costs and improve competitiveness.
The Ha Nam Power Company has achieved initial success in the implementation of power saving programs at corporate level.
Put into operation in late 2013, Khe Cham III is a completely new coalmine which was designed and constructed by Vietnamese officers and workers. In the first six months of 2014, coal production in 14-5-1A pit of Khe Cham III coalmine reached over 135,000 tonnes, equal to 60.9 percent of the year’s plan.
In the future, working up a sweat by exercising may not only be good for your health, but it could also power your small electronic devices. Researchers have designed a sensor in the form of a temporary tattoo that can both monitor a person’s progress during exercise and produce power from their perspiration.
Clean energy is becoming a priority for many countries throughout the world. In small, developing countries, renewable energy represents economic growth and sustainability. In large countries, the economic aspects of clean power are also attractive, but energy is more of a politic matter rather than an environmental one.
Những ngày này, Tổng Công ty Điện lực Hà Nội (EVN HA NOI) chỉ đạo các đơn vị thành viên tích cực triển khai hệ thống đo đếm từ xa, lắp đặt công tơ điện tử thay thế công tơ cơ trên địa bàn thành phố.
The DeltaStream device to be installed in Ramsey Sound, Pembrokeshire, is developed by tidal stream technology company Tidal Energy Ltd. According to the project developers, it is the first private marine project to be fully developed in Wales, having secured all the required planning and environmental consents together with a lease agreement from The Crown Estate.
BG Energy Solutions, a specialist in energy management for businesses and large organisations, has helped more than 70 cinemas in the Vue multiplex chain achieve energy savings in excess of 20%.
A group of scientists have converted used-cigarette butts into a high-performing material that could be integrated into computers, handheld devices, electrical vehicles and wind turbines to store energy.
Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam (EVN) cho biết nhờ thực hiện chương trình tiết kiệm điện, trong 7 tháng cả nước đã tiết kiệm được 1,52 tỷ kWh, bằng 2,1% sản lượng điện thương phẩm.
1 July 2014 The Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) held an "Energy Conservation in Housing Award" ceremony to urge real estate entrepreneurs to work harder at saving energy.
Net energy analysis provides a quantitative way to compare the amount of energy a technology produces over its lifetime with the energy required to build and maintain it.
Bộ Công Thương, Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam (EVN) phối hợp cùng công ty TNHH Schneider Electric Việt Nam, Báo điện tử VNExpress tổ chức cuộc thi “Vẻ đẹp năng lượng Việt Nam”.
Tạp chí công nghệ danh tiếng Technology Review, Mỹ vừa công bố danh sách những sáng tạo công nghệ nổi bật về lĩnh vực năng lượng trong năm 2013.
Google is offering a million-dollar prize for a breakthrough that would make solar or wind generated electricity more enticing for everyday uses.
Smartphones and water are not normally best buddies – as anyone who has dropped their handset in the loo can attest – but that all may change soon thanks to some clever scientist
Ngày 24/7, UBND tỉnh Vĩnh Long đã triển khai Dự án Nâng cao hiệu quả năng lượng khu vực nông thôn do Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam (EVN) làm chủ đầu tư với tổng nguồn vốn đầu tư 105 tỷ đồng.
Half the fun of a holiday is leaving behind the niggling worries that get in the way of everyday life, so the last thing you want to be thinking about as you sip cocktails from a sun lounger is whether or not you should have turned the heating off before you left home.
British Gas’s smart meters comprise one electricity meter, one gas smart meter, a communications hub and a smart energy monitor. They all work together wirelessly to relay your energy usage back and present that information in an easy-to-understand package. British Gas will even set it all up for you.