The German Government has revealed a new national plan to save more energy for homes and businesses across the country.
“The introduction of solar as the scheme’s first renewable energy product is a fantastic addition to Warm Up North’s range of energy efficiency solutions that will allow even more households to save energy and money.
Every shower, you’ll save enough electricity to power a 60-watt light bulb for eight hours, or a 20-watt LED for 24 hours. Every year, you’ll save the amount of water it takes to wash more than 70 loads of laundry.
To encourage agencies, organizations and people to widely use energy saving devices and solutions, Tien Giang province has built many pilot models, supported energy saving solutions in various areas such as office lighting, public lighting, households, and application in intensive crops.
More than 14 energy conservation and 40 industrial promotion centers have been established in the whole country in order to promote saving and using energy efficiently by direct consulting for business. However, until now, half of them have only played propagandizing roles.
The Victorian Labor Party has sought to underline its renewable energy credentials by vowing to help the town of Newstead, near Bendigo, to become 100 per cent renewable energy by 2017, and become the state’s first “solar town”.
With the number of Internet connected devices rapidly increasing, researchers from Melbourne are starting a new research program to reduce energy consumption of such devices.
It converts about 200,000 litres of feedstock and 1,200 tonnes of residues per day. The power generation unit produces enough electricity to supply about 8% of the factory’s total power requirement, which, in turn, saves about £100,000 every year.
According to the EPA, using recycled aluminum only uses 5% of the energy and emissions that are needed to extract new aluminum.
First, British household budgets would benefit from a £5bn saving every year. This means an average annual saving of around £335 for British families.
This researcher has developed a reactor based on conical spouted beds which, by means of flash or rapid pyrolysis, produces fuels and raw materials using various types of waste.
Big Energy Saving Week – a joint campaign between Citizens Advice, Energy Saving Trust, and the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) – reveals 74 per cent of Brits are still worried about their energy bills.
Researchers have developed a solar cell that is able to directly split water. It does not produce electricity in a first step and split the water in a second step, but rather only has one step.
9 tháng qua, Tổng công ty Điện lực miền Trung (EVN CPC) đạt sản lượng điện 77,9 triệu kWh, tăng 3,6% so với cùng kỳ năm 2013.
The device consists of the mesh solar panel, which acts as the first electrode, beneath that is a thin sheet of porous carbon that is the second electrode and a lithium plate that is the third electrode. Between the electrodes are sandwiched layers of electrolyte for carrying electrons back and forth.
Thanks to NIRD, several inaccessible villages in the State are enjoying solar home lighting system and even the rural economy is looking up with transfer of technology.
Tổng công ty Điện lực miền Bắc (EVNNPC) sẽ tiếp tục đẩy mạnh, đổi mới các chương trình tiết kiệm điện, để người dân tiếp cận các giải pháp tiết kiệm điện một cách nhanh nhất, tốt nhất, hiệu quả nhất.
Washington State University researchers have developed a new catalyst that could lead to making biofuels cheaply and more efficiently.
Với chủ đề xuyên suốt “Tối ưu hóa chi phí và điện cho miền Nam” của Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam (EVN), Công ty Điện lực Phú Yên (PYPC) đã triển khai nhiều giải pháp tối ưu hóa chi phí một cách quy mô, đồng bộ.
Texas Tech University researchers will receive $1.4 million from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop a new radar prototype that will provide better measurements of the complex flow conditions in wind plants.