One of the largest cancer treatment centres in Europe is to save thousands of pounds following a review of its energy management system.
The San Francisco Travel Association, the official destination marketing organization for the City and County of San Francisco, has received LEED Gold Certification for Commercial Interiors from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) after moving from its old offices to new ones.
Urban rail systems in Europe have already achieved a target to reduce their energy consumption by 10 per cent by 2020.
Affordable housing residents will be encouraged to use a specially devised game for smartphones and tablets linked to smart meters as part of a partnership initiative designed to reduce energy and CO2 consumption in their homes.
In the first quarter of 2015, Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) announced that the national grid has been in stable, safe and sound power supply operation. The Corporation has made 03 sessions of water discharge from hydropower reservoirs of Hoa Binh, Thac Ba and Tuyen Quang to irrigate for the 2014 - 2015 Winter-Spring cultivation in the provinces in the Midlands and Northern Delta.
Hungarian architect Matyas Gutai believes that water is the perfect material for keeping a house at a comfortable temperature.
Weather could power the next generation of smart windows. Researchers have created glass that tints by harvesting energy from wind and precipitation. The approach offers an alternative to other smart windows powered by batteries, solar panels, and even standard power outlets.
One of the largest cancer treatment centres in Europe is to save thousands of pounds following a review of its energy management system.
With over US$11 billion in revenues, the company has made its mark everywhere from aluminum cans, foil and electronics to the automobile sector.
Light bulb technology has advanced leaps and bounds in the last decade.
Now, University of Toronto students are taking their highly efficient light bulb to the next level to reduce energy consumption
Optimizing system with the most up-to-date laser and camera technology takes global wood processing industry to the next level. For a single debarking line this can mean close to 1 million euros in yearly wood cost savings.
Hưởng ứng sự kiện “Giờ Trái đất 2015” tại Việt Nam với chủ đề “Tiết kiệm năng lượng - ứng phó biến đổi khí hậu”. Tổng công ty Điện lực TP Hà Nội (EVN HANOI) tổ chức Lễ phát động “Tháng hành động tiết kiệm điện hưởng ứng Giờ Trái đất năm 2015 và Khánh thành mô hình Phòng học xanh” tại trường THPT chuyên Hà Nội - Amsterdam.
An energy management system developed by Bayer uses a structured and systematic approach to help users harness potential energy savings that have already been identified. This is made possible by adapting energy usage to specific production and working conditions.
O'Brien says the M2G takes readings every second to recognise when boilers are dry-cycling and turns them off accordingly, generating bill savings of between 10 and 25 per cent.
To help the country’s policy makers improve energy efficiency and demand side management, the International Energy Agency this week led expert sessions in Kiev on both analysis and implementation of energy-saving activities.
With ever increasing recycling targets to meet, manufacturers of glass bottles and jars need to make sure that they can feed their furnaces with the highest quality of cullet (recycled glass) and maximise the energy and carbon saving benefits that this offers.
In the evening of March 28, together with nearly 200 countries and territories comprising approximately 7,000 cities worldwide, Vietnam responded to Earth Hour Campaign simultaneously in 63 provinces, cities by exemplary action of switching off lights for one hour from 20h30 to 21h30.
In the program, many exciting activities took place such as Cycling parade in response to Earth Hour, flash mob dance, mass game 60+. Shortly after the event, hundreds of union members went about to stick the communication posters, to hand out the leaflets in response to Earth Hour 2015 campaign.
Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Jen Lorentzen appreciated the positive and active cooperation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in its deployment of the LCEE project to small and medium enterprises in three sectors: brick, ceramics and food processing.
Nhiều năm qua, EVN luôn tiên phong trong các chiến dịch tiết kiệm điện, nổi bật là hưởng ứng chương trình toàn cầu “Giờ Trái đất”, góp phần nâng cao nhận thức của cộng đồng vì một hành tinh xanh.