The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) new mercury pollution regulations that took effect last month opened the flood gates for a new multi-billion-dollar energy industry that has investors scrambling to get in on second-generation technology poised for massive revenue gains.
87.5 million kWh is the electricity savings of the Southern Power Corporation (EVN SPC) in April, 2015. Thus the 4-month accumulated balance is as much as over 390 million kWh, which reaches 39.2% of the year plan, equivalent to 2.54% of commercial power production.
Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) announced that in April 2015, the national grid was in stable supply to meet the demands of socio-economic political activities, business production and domestic demands.
Only a few days earlier the World Energy Council’s Iranian national member committee had partnered with the Iranian Government for another efficiency dedicated event: the 7th International Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Exhibition in Tehran.
Two years ago, with support from the U.S. Department of State, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) joined forces to address precisely such problems through a new initiative called the U.S.-Africa Clean Energy Finance Initiative (ACEF).
Warm rooms for more than 3,000 children and budget savings can be achieved with energy efficient educational institutions.
Germany has called on its G7 counterparts to show 'emerging countries' that clean energy is not related to negative economic growth. Sigmar Gabriel was speaking at a meeting of G7 energy ministers in Hamburg,
Nhằm cải thiện hiệu quả năng lượng cho những chiếc tủ lạnh cũ, Yuriy Dmitriev, một nhà khoa học người Nga, đã sáng tạo ra một dòng tủ lạnh mới có thiết kế độc đáo và không tiêu thụ năng lượng.
The Netherlands made headlines last year when it built the world's first solar road - an energy-harvesting bike path paved with glass-coated solar panels.
87,5 triệu kWh là sản lượng lượng điện tiết kiệm của toàn Tổng công ty Điện lực miền Nam (EVN SPC) trong tháng 4/2015
In a valiant effort to rethink the ubiquitous refrigerator — which has seen few design changes since the invention of freon refrigerators in the 1930′s — Russian designer Yuriy Dmitriev has unveiled a fresh-looking, gel-filled appliance of the future.
The International Exhibition on Energy Efficiency - Hanoi Environment (Entech Hanoi 2015) will take place during May 20-22, 2015 at the International Exhibition Centre ICE Hanoi, 91 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi. This is a specialized trade fair of energy efficiency in Vietnam, appealing much attention from the domestic and international community.
On May 5, 2015 in Hanoi, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Hoang Quoc Vuong presided over the meeting to collect feedback and comments on the Draft "Electricity Development Strategy for Vietnam by 2025 and Vision to 2035".
MwangaBora solar lamps, created by Evans Wadongo, provide low-cost lighting for villagers, saving their health and money, and helping reduce global emissions from kerosine use.
Southern Power Corporation (EVN SPC) is rolling out power saving solutions to ensure sufficient electricity supply in the dry season of 2015.
Power loss not only reduces the quality of power supply but also affects business outcome greatly. Therefore, the reduction of power loss has always been a top concern of Northern Power Corporation (EVN-NPC).
Ho Chi Minh City Department of Transportation reveals that the first electric bus route of the city will be put into operation in June 2015.
Để hỗ trợ những nhà làm chính sách tăng cường hiệu quả năng lượng và quản lý nhu cầu năng lượng, cơ quan năng lượng quốc tế IEA đã thực hiện các buổi làm việc với các chuyên gia tại Kiev để phân tích hiện trạng và tìm giải pháp thực hiện các hoạt động tiết kiệm năng lượng.
Tổng công ty Điện lực miền Nam (EVN SPC) đang triển khai nhiều giải pháp tiết kiệm điện nhằm đảm bảo cung cấp đủ điện trong những tháng mùa khô năm 2015.
For the past time, the Ministry of Transport has been interested in and worked out several policies to promote efficient use of energy, development of renewable energy through programs and projects in implementation of National target program on the economical and efficient use of energy.