Trong tháng 7, cùng với việc đảm bảo tiến độ thi công các dự án nguồn điện, Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam (EVN) đã hoàn thành đóng điện 18 công trình lưới điện.
We’ve seen several transparent solar cell concepts, but perhaps none with such ambitious claims as those made by SolarWindow Technologies.
The Children Painting Contest on "power savings" theme initiated by Nghe An Power Company in coordination with Vietnam - Germany Children's Cultural House was launched in June 2015 for the preschool age group, primary school and upper primary school students.
Fraunhofer researchers have developed a new recycling process for this materially unused carbon resource: They successfully produced fuel and specialty chemicals from these exhaust gases on a laboratory scale.
A team of researchers, including Kyle Brinkman of Clemson University, developed a material that acts as a superhighway for ions. The material could make batteries more powerful, change how gaseous fuel is turned into liquid fuel and help power plants burn coal and natural gas more efficiently.
A new method of converting squalene, which is produced by microalgae, to gasoline or jet fuel, has been developed by the research group of Professor Keiichi Tomishige and Dr. Yoshinao Nakagawa from Tohoku University's Department of Applied Chemistry, and Dr. Hideo Watanabe from the University of Tsukuba.
A North Mississippi-based armored vehicle company will soon manufacture a more fuel-efficient product because of improvements developed by a major Mississippi State research organization.
You are driving down the motorway at night when you pass a truck that’s glowing purple. Don’t worry, it isn’t leaking toxic chemicals: it just has a clever way of reducing drag by using plasma.
The application of pyrolysis technology in agricultural production, a method that uses thermochemical decomposition of organic material at elevated temperatures in the absence of oxygen.
The need for efficient, high-performance materials for electrical energy storage has been growing along with the ever-increasing demand for electrical energy in mobile applications.
Với các hoạt động tuyên truyền đã được triển khai, trong tháng 7, Tổng công tuy điện lực Hà Nội tiết kiệm được 31,87 triệu kWh điện. Lũy kế 7 tháng đạt 177,35 triệu kWh, tương đương 2,22% điện thương phẩm.
UK-designed turbines aim to harness tidal energy to produce cheaper electricity − without endangering marine life, reports Climate News Network.
Japanese trading house Mitsui & Co. will partner with General Electric to develop an online monitoring system that analyzes data transmitted from mining equipment to realize maximum operational efficiency.
Waste heat accounts for a painful 60% of the gasoline consumed by our cars, and in other Industrial applications the numbers are equally devastating.
The scheme allowed householders to make their homes more energy efficient by installing technologies such as solar panels or loft insulation. This was done through loans with no upfront cost which were repaid through energy bills.
It is the saved power output of the Hanoi Electricity Corporation (EVNHANOI) in July. Accumulated figure for the first 7 months of the year shows that the Corporation achieves 177.35 million kWh savings, equivalent to 2.22% commercial power output.
At the workshop, large energy consumers and experts in the field of power saving shared experience and new technology solutions to reduce the energy consumption rate, energy audits and improvement of the production system, and power consuming devices.
As one of the pillars of national power energy security, in 2011-2015, Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) not only ensures enough electricity for the economy but also stays in the lead in the implementation of solutions and promotions of economical and efficient use energy.
Trong giai đoạn 2011- 2015, Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam không chỉ bảo đảm đủ điện cho nền kinh tế mà còn luôn đi đầu trong thực hiện các giải pháp và tuyên truyền sử dụng điện tiết kiệm và hiệu quả.
In the implementation of energy development strategy, Ministry of Industry and Trade presided over the preparation of policies to support the development of renewable energy sources such as wind power, biomass power, electricity generated from solid wastes and solar power.