With a total planned budget of around VND 6 billion, the project of development and dissemination of high-performance energy saving equipment for gradual removal of low-performance equipment will be the target of the Hanoi Energy Conservation Center (Hanoi ECC) to be implemented in 2015.
The effort in propaganda about power saving of Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVN HCMC) brought fully satisfactory results: in the first nine months of 2015, Ho Chi Minh City saved 338,416,702 kWh, achieving 85.59% of the target in 2015 assigned by EVN, which is 394,000,000 kWh.
Những nỗ lực trong quá trình tuyên truyền, tiết kiệm điện của Tổng công ty điện lực TP. Hồ Chí Minh đã mang lại những kết quả vô cùng khả quan: Trong 9 tháng đầu năm 2015, TP.HCM đã tiết kiệm được 338.416.702 kWh điện, đạt 85,89% kế hoạch EVN giao 2015 là 394.000.000 kWh điện.
On October 09, 2015, in Viglacera Corperation JSC, the signing ceremony of credit contract with Vietnam Development Bank – Transaction Office 1 and EP Contract of supply of technological equipment with the Contractor Von Ardenne GmbH (Federal Republic of Germany) to implement the project “Investment in production line of energy-saving glass with output of 2.3 million m2/year”.
On the sidelines of the preparatory meeting of Tenth Congress of the Provincial Party, many delegates expressed consensus with the political report of the IX tenure of the Party's Executive Committee and the Report on specific measures for sustainable development of Dong Nai Province in the period 2015-2020.
In order to boost the investment in wind power in countries of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Multilateral Trade Policy Department (Ministry of Industry and Trade) in collaboration with APEC Secretariat held the “APEC Workshop on public-private partnership for wind energy development” on September 24-25, 2015.
Vietnam has huge potential of renewable energy sources, widely distributed across the country, with nearly 3,400km of coastline to provide potential wind energy resources, estimated at 500 -1000 kWh/m2 per year.
Ngày 30/9, tại TPHCM diễn ra Hội thảo về Dự án "Đề án cải tiến biểu giá bán lẻ điện". Biểu giá điện mới là sắp xếp lại biểu giá điện nhưng không làm tăng giá điện bình quân.
Previously, Dong Thap Industry Development Consultant Center replaced 33 light sets of 250W Sodium with 120W LED lights in Cao Lanh City. It is stated that when LED lights are put into use, approximately 55% of electric consumption will be saved.
On September 18, 2015, Provincial Youth Union of Binh Phuoc and Department of Industry and Trade hold a conference on evaluation and summary of the Scheme of meeting organization about propaganda of energy saving in areas of Binh Phuoc province.
These two different approaches to water conservation in the shower could make a dent in your water footprint.
Developing transparent or semitransparent solar cells with high efficiency and low cost to replace the existing opaque and expensive silicon-based solar panels has become increasingly important due to the increasing demands of the building integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs) systems.
In the period 2011 - 2015, Electricity of Ho Chi Minh City (EVNHCM) has made a remarkable effort in the movement "Entire country joining hands to build a new rural countryside", "Building typical transmission line and station model", "Promoting innovation, technical modification" and power savings ... to contribute to boosting efficiency in production and business, labor productivity, thereby striving to improve the quality of power distribution and customer services.
Prime Minister has approved the list of Project “Promotion of use and operation of energy-efficient industrial boilers in Vietnam”, granted an aid given gratis by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) from aid sources of Global Environment Facility (GEF).
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) selected eight manufacturers to receive $100 million in contracts to develop and demonstrate technologies that reduce fuel consumption, emissions, and noise, under the second phase of its Continuous Lower Energy, Emissions, and Noise (CLEEN II) program.
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has been financing Turkish banks that offer these loans to their clients since 2010. Overall, the bank has invested close to $3 billion in energy projects in the country, and the result has been $700 million in savings since the EBRD began the program.
Tại Đại hội Thi đua yêu nước ngành công thương, EVNHCM là một trong những đơn vị được báo cáo điển hình tiên tiến.
Ban Quản lý các khu chế xuất và công nghiệp TP.Hồ Chí Minh phối hợp với EVN HCMC tổ chức Hội nghị trao đổi và lắng nghe ý kiến các doanh nghiệp có vốn đầu tư nước ngoài liên quan tới các dịch vụ về điện.
On September 11th, at the headquarters of Electricity of Ho Chi Minh City, Conference on Exchanging and Collecting Electric Foreign-Invested Enterprises Ideas was held by Electricity of Ho Chi Minh City (EVN HCMC) and Ho Chi Minh Industrial and Export Processing Zones Administration (HEPZA) to clear customers' queries and disseminate policies on energy savings.
A team of scientists with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the University of Illinois created solar cells that collect blue photons at 30 times the concentration of conventional solar cells, the highest luminescent concentration factor ever recorded.