In the past few years - ever since Tim Cook became CEO, really - Apple has been cleaning up its act on the environmental front.
Every year, the information technology sector spends almost $7 billion on electricity costs, and much of that money goes to cooling computer processing units (CPUs) in data centers. At the Energy Department’s Sandia National Laboratories, researchers have developed an innovative new air-cooling technology - the Sandia Cooler - that improves the way heat is transferred in computers and microelectronics, significantly reducing the energy needed to cool CPUs in data centers.
Electrical and computer engineers at North Carolina State University have developed a new technique for creating less-expensive, low-power embedded systems -- the computing devices found in everything from thermostats to automobiles.
A Florida State University engineering professor has developed a new highly efficient and low cost light emitting diode that could help spur more widespread adoption of the technology.
On November 5, 2015, in Hanoi, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) in cooperation with the Embassy of Iceland held a seminar on "The future of clean energy."
On November 3rd, 2015, in Washington, DC, the Embassy of Vietnam in the United States in collaboration with the Business Association of Overseas Vietnamese - US foreign affiliates (BAOOVUS) organized a seminar "Vietnam-US Business Partnership for Energy Development".
Expansion of renewable energy sources is one of the important dimensions for promoting the development of the electricity sector to help the electricity sector meet the demand of 7-10% annual growth until 2030.
Energy efficiency is the first step toward achieving sustainability in buildings and it is still the best way to both cut energy use and greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions at the same time. Singapore has committed to reduction in carbon emissions by 7% – 11% by 2020, compared to the current level. The efforts to achieve that goal is reflected through energy efficiency that this city-state undergoes across different sectors.
Với các giải pháp đa dạng và sáng tạo, tổng sản lượng điện tiết kiệm tại TP.HCM là trên 2,2 tỷ kWh, tiết kiệm hơn 3.700 tỷ đồng chi phí mua điện, giảm gần 1.228.000 tấn CO2, qua đó góp phần bảo vệ môi trường và giảm bớt áp lực đầu tư nguồn điện.
On October 21, 2015, Expert on energy saving, Dr. Nguyen Van Khai came to Dinh To Commune, Thuan Thanh, Bac Ninh to share and disseminate his knowledge about electricity saving appliances and devices.
Chính quyền thành phố Yerevan, thủ đô của Armenia vừa nhận được khoản vay ưu đãi trị giá 1,9 triệu euro để tăng cường hiệu quả chiếu sáng.
The Prime Minister agreed to add An Khe Biomass Power Plant with the total capacity of 95 MW to the master plan for national electricity development, period 2011 - 2020 to 2030, which is scheduled for operation in the period of 2016-2017.
In the afternoon of Oct. 23, 2015, Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai chaired the steering meeting to set up a mechanism to support the development of solar power projects to ensure prioritized objectives in new and renewable energy sources to meet the energy demands of the country.
"Food processing industry - strategy sector study and subproject pipeline development for improving energy efficiency with integrated ozone and climate benefits" with budget of up to USD200 million.
Trong 9 tháng đầu năm 2015, Tổng Công ty Điện lực miền Bắc (EVNNPC) đã tiết kiệm 600,61 triệu kWh điện, tương đương 1,85% sản lượng điện thương phẩm, hoàn thành 91% kế hoạch được giao.
Three months ago, Tien Giang province continuously embarked on programmes of “Hamlets and Streets of Power-saving Culture 2015” in several areas such as Go Cong, My Phong or Cai Lay and set a target of saving power at 10% compared to the previous year.
On October 16th, a Seminar between Vietnam and Japan on drainage and sewage treatment system - Developing workforce and tendency to access cutting-edge technology in drainage and sewage treatment system - was held by Department of Technical Infrastructure, Ministry of Construction of Vietnam in Hanoi.
Having been deployed since 2006, so far the energy-saving activities and Cleaner Production in Dong Thap province have made many important achievements to contribute to energy efficiency, and reduction of environment pollution.
Bac Giang Power Company (PC) prepared a plan to ensure the power supply, serving the major events of the province; implementing the measures to respond to abnormal breakdowns and/or situations which might arise during the year.
Ngày 16/10, tại trụ sở Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam (EVN), Phó Thủ tướng Chính phủ Hoàng Trung Hải trao Huy chương Hữu nghị cho ông John S. Gunning - Chuyên gia Năng lượng Cộng hòa Ai- Len cho những đóng góp của ông tới ngành điện Việt Nam nói riêng và tình hữu nghị hợp tác giữa Việt Nam-Ireland nói chung trong.