Dự kiến tháng 5/2011, hệ thống điện có thể đáp ứng sản lượng trung bình khoảng 309 triệu kWh/ngày, công suất lớn nhất dao động từ 15.500-16.300 MW. Trong tháng 5/2011, EVN tiếp tục chỉ đạo các đơn vị thực hiện cung ứng điện theo phương thức không điều hoà, tiết giảm phụ tải điện, đồng thời đảm bảo cung ứng điện an toàn, ổn định phục vụ bầu cử đại biểu Quốc hội khóa XIII và đại biểu HĐND các cấp.
The Japanese carmaker said it wants to accelerate the development and eventual implementation of wireless charging for cars. “The charging of a plug-in hybrid or electric vehicle could be as simple and convenient as parking near an embedded charger at a home or in a parking facility,” Toyota said in a press release.
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is to award bioenergy and biobased products with research grants in order to further the development of sustainable projects. After the selection process, the chosen projects will implement sustainable regional systems for the production of biofuels.
Launching its 2050 Technology Roadmap in Biofuels for Transport at the Advanced Biofuels Leadership Conference, the IEA Director of Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology Bo Diczfalusy, said that “This [production cost] figure may seem large, but in fact even in the worst case biofuels would only increase the total costs of transport fuels by around 1% over the next 40 years, and could in fact lead to cost reductions over the same period.”
Cement industry is one of the industries that have been making a significant contribution to economic growth in Vietnam. However, in face of the soaring prices of fuels such as gasoline, oil and electricity, it is meeting with a lot of difficulties. Technological innovation, costs reduction, quality improvement and energy efficiency are what the Viet Nam Cement Corporation is endeavoring for.
Tin từ Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam (EVN): trong 4 tháng đầu năm, Tập đoàn đã hoàn thành nghiệm thu và đưa vào vận hành 4 tổ máy với tổng công suất 1.215 MW. Đó là tổ máy số 2 Thuỷ điện Sơn La, tổ máy số 2 Nhiệt điện Uông Bí mở rộng, tổ máy 2 Thuỷ điện Sông Tranh 2 và tổ máy 1 Thuỷ điện Đồng Nai 3.
U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu Tuesday announced $5 million in new funding for community efforts to deploy electric vehicle infrastructure and charging stations. The funding opportunity furthers President Barack Obama's stated goals of putting one million electric drive vehicles on the road in the United States by 2015 and reducing U.S. oil imports by one-third by 2025.
Hôm thứ ba vừa rồi, bộ trưởng Bộ Năng lượng Hoa Kỳ, ông Steven Chu đã thông báo khoản hỗ trợ mới trị giá 5 triệu USD cho những nỗ lực cộng đồng để triển khai cơ sở hạ tầng xe điện và các trạm nạp điện.
Bộ Công Thương đã chỉ đạo EVN không tiết giảm điện trong tháng 5/2011, đảm bảo cung ứng điện trong dịp lễ 30/4 và 1/5 cũng như thời gian bầu cử đại biểu QH, HĐND các cấp đồng thời giao EVN tính toán phương thức vận hành hệ thống điện đáp ứng nhu cầu điện ở mức cao nhất có thể trong tháng 6/2011.
Xuong Giang paper mill under Bac Giang Import Export Corporation-IMEXCO Bac Giang is the largest energy consumer in the province of Bac Giang. Responding to the energy saving program in recent years, the factory has continuously made improvements to reduce power consumption and protect the environment. However, according to experts of Hanoi Center Energy Conservation Center, energy saving potential in this business is still quite large.
Thống kê chương trình tiết kiệm điện (TKĐ) giai đoạn 2006 - 2010, sản lượng điện tiết kiệm do giảm tỷ lệ tổn thất điện năng từ năm 2006 đến 2009 đạt trên 2,1 tỉ kWh. Theo đó, TKĐ trong bốn lĩnh vực là Cơ quan công sở khối hành chính sự nghiệp, sản xuất công nghiệp, sinh hoạt hộ gia đình và chiếu sáng công cộng đạt gần 4,5 tỉ kWh trong năm 2006 đến 2010. EVN đã xây dựng được cơ sở dữ liệu bằng việc áp dụng Hệ thống thông tin quản lý khách hàng sử dụng điện để quản lý và theo dõi, thiết lập chế độ báo cáo định kỳ theo tháng, từ đó có đánh giá kết quả thực hiện TKĐ cũng như tình hình sử dụng điện của khách hàng.
Edano said, ‘We will create eco-towns that are fully equipped with district heating utilising plant matter and biomass from the region and cultivate features of communities that thoroughly foster public welfare. We will proceed by moving forward with the world’s most advanced reconstruction plan, with a vision of going beyond mere restoration to the previous state and instead create a truly marvelous Tohoku region and indeed a marvelous Japan.’
In recent times, Gia Lai Power Company has taken many measures in propagating the economic and effective use of electricity, thus saving not only an energy source for the country but also expenses for agencies, businesses and households. Thereby Gia Lai Power Company has made a good use of the electric energy source allocated for production and social-economic development in the province, contributing significantly to the electric energy saving movement.
100% of the barracks and households in Truong Sa District (The Spratly - Khanh Hoa Province) can now use electric energy for their work and life, with the continuous supply for 24 hours a day. The whole district is now under television and telephone coverages. It is special that all the electric energy used in this island district is produced from wind power and solar energy. So far, Truong Sa has been the first district in the country to use clean energy sources.
Deputy Prime Minister confirmed this would be an important legal basis for investors to implement projects exploiting potential renewable energy sources, especially a series of wind power projects in the South Central Province, on islands and in remote areas. He also signaled the views and encouragement on increasing the promotion of renewable energy exploitation and utilization to meet the demand of national energy balance and sustainable development at present.
French scientists are looking at the possibility of submerging small nuclear power plants deep underwater to supply low-cost energy to isolated countries or islands that cannot afford a major inland atomic plant. France pioneered the mass development of nuclear power stations in the 1970s and now sees a possible use in the industry for technology adapted from nuclear submarines, a top engineer said.
By combining copper, zinc, tin, and sulphur or selenium, all abundant and low cost elements, the University of Luxembourg has produced a solar cell with 6.1 % efficiency. The Laboratory for Photovoltaics of the University of Luxembourg has developed an improved preparation process for kesterite solar cells, which resulted in a new European record efficiency of 6.1 percent.
Dubbed the ‘Solar Soldier’ project the two-year research and development mission aims to produce a power pack where the energy is gathered from a combination of solar cells and thermoelectric devices. The team of approximately 15 scientists and researchers from Glasgow, Loughborough, Strathclyde, Leeds, Reading and Brunel University will also work on investigating ways of managing, storing and using heat produced by the system.
Vietnam Electricity Group has assigned Power Corporations to direct power companies to perform power supply in April 2011 under the motto of no power reduction. Besides, EVN has required Power Corporations to continue to closely monitor the daily load situation, report to the Group to assess the situation of power supply in April and report to the Ministry of Industry and Trade on power supply plans in May and June 2011.
In the quest for the perfect biofuel, various companies and government agencies are racing to uncover the “magic bullet” that will allow for the production of inexpensive and energy efficient biofuels. Algae, yeasts and bacteria have all been playing their part in transforming various feedstocks and even CO2 into usable biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel.